All about numbers on Fischer skis: structures, diagrams, HR, FA, SVZ. All about numbers on Fischer skis: structures, diagrams, HR, FA, SVZ Fischer brand products

You can learn a lot more about skis than is written in bright, big letters on their surface. The ability to read information on skis will help you choose the right skis in the store and not be deceived when buying already used skis. We will tell you everything about the numbers on Fischer skis in this article.

Serial number of Fischer skis: decoding

On the sidewall of Fischer skis in the area of ​​the heel of the mount there is a serial number that all amateur skiers want to decipher. There are even those who look for sacred meaning in these numbers. In fact, everything in the number is simple, just like in the number of any other product.

187/1450688580 031

  • 187 – ski length in cm
  • 14 – year of manufacture (2013)
  • 5 – hardness (4 – soft, 5 – medium, 6 – stiff)
  • 06 – serial number of the week of release from the beginning of the calendar year
  • 88580 – ski serial number
  • 031 – hardness index (FA).

Since 2016, the ski number has been of this type 191/1653513931 without hardness index. The size of top skate models has decreased by 1 cm, and the FA index is written on a sticker with a barcode. Example in the photo – FA 80.

And this is what the “sport shop” ski sticker looks like with more detailed information. What these indicators mean will be discussed below.

On Fischer 2019-2020 skis, the number is printed in the IFP platform area. It seems that the place was chosen specifically so that the number would be hidden when installing the fasteners with screws.

Fischer ski stiffness tables: soft, medium, stiff

Sizes and stiffness of fischer junior skis

Structures, diagrams and bases of Fischer skis for weather and route density

On the toe of the ski on the side of the sliding surface you can find two designations, for example: 28/1Q or 28/902 or A5/610. These designations contain information about the base of the glide and the design of the skis.

Fischer bases (sliding surfaces)

The skid surface markings can be found on the skid plate at the toe of the ski. The design is also marked there.

  • A5– a universal base for cold temperatures from t -5C and below. It is on skis marked Cold, the factory structure code is C1-1.
  • 28 – universal warm base at t -10C and above. Suitable for all types of snow, suitable for skis marked Plus. Since the 17/18 season it has become more universal: -10 and warmer, versus the old one from -2 and warmer. The factory structure code remains the same - P5-1.

Skis Speedmax, Carbonlite, RCS:

  • Worldcup 28 (Plus) – 10% graphite
  • Worldcup A5 (Cold) – 4.5% graphite


  • Worldcup pro – 7.5% graphite
  • Protec – 7.5% graphite

Skis LS:

  • Sintec – 3.5% graphite

Diagrams of Fischer skis

Skate ski designs

  • 115 (15/11) – design for well-prepared and icy trails. The fulcrum points are located closer to the toe and heel of the ski. This arrangement increases the stability of the ski. Particularly relevant on an unprepared ice track and when equipment is deficient. Main disadvantages: “sticking” the ski and “burying” it in loose snow.
  • 610 (61Q, 1Q)– design for a well-prepared and soft track. The support points are brought closer to the block, which makes the toe and tail of the ski softer. This design allows the ski not to “stick” or bury itself in loose snow. Main disadvantages: “scouring” on an icy track due to lack of equipment.

Classic ski designs

  • 902 (90/9Q2)– design for soft and loose trails. Similar to skating 610/1Q, i.e. has soft toes and heels. The block is located lower than on the 812 and makes it easier to hold in difficult weather conditions. The main disadvantage: due to the low location of the holding area, the ointment will come off faster.
  • 90L– a variation of design 902. It has a higher arc, i.e. the block is raised higher. It is found on special order skis, and since 2018 it has been used in Speedmax Twin Skin skis (but the marking is still 9Q2).
  • 812 (81/8Q2)– universal classic design. The standard placement of the block retains the ointment longer, but requires more impulse to push through.

Structures on Fischer skis

The most common structures are P5-1 and C1-1. They, according to manufacturers, are the most popular at the World Cup.

Applying structure to skis is a delicate matter. To replicate the structure, there must be the same equipment, the same grinding stone, the same emulsion, etc. Real racing Fisher structures are rolled out only in Reed. Structures P5-1 (Plus or universal warm) and C1-1 (Cold or universal cold) are applied to the skis.

Below is a complete list of structures that are and have been used by Fischer. A similar list is floating around the Internet, but in this list we have corrected the temperature ranges as of the 17/18 season. If you have anything to add to this list, write in the comments.

Fischer structures

  • P10-1 for dry snow at temperatures below 0
  • C1-1 all types of snow, including fresh, temperature below -5
  • C3-1 for artificial snow, temperature below -5
  • C8-1 narrower structure for artificial snow from 0 to -10
  • C12-1 any type of snow, -5-15
  • C12-7 fine-grained snow at t from 0 to -10
  • P1-1 temperature +3 to -5, fresh snow
  • P3-1 structure for fresh wet snow, at 0 degrees with a transition to positive
  • P3-2 for old wet snow at t 0 with a transition to plus
  • Р3-3 watery snow, from +5 and above
  • Р5-0 dry fine snow from 0 to -5
  • P5-9 structure for classic skis on old wet snow, temperatures from 0 and above
  • TZ1-1 for fresh snow at temperatures below 0
  • P5-1 universal structure for temperatures from +5 to -10, any type of snow
  • P22-6 transitional structure for any type of snow, temperature from +5 to -5
  • P11-2 all types of snow from +2 to -8
  • P10-3 falling, fresh snow, t from 0 to -5
  • P9-2 wet snow, t above 0

Ramsau structures

Structures with index S are made in Ramsau. These skis can often be found on the secondary market. The most popular are S13.

  • S13-6 structure for rainy weather
  • S13-5-08 option for very wet fresh snow
  • S11-1 dry snow at t -10 -20
  • S12-1 fresh natural and artificial snow t 0 -15
  • S12-4 fresh dry snow t -5 -10
  • S12-2 fresh wet snow t 0 -5
  • S12-6 fresh falling wet snow t 0 -5
  • S12-12 old snow t 0 -5
  • S12-14 for frozen snow during the warming period, fresh snow, t -2 -10
  • S13-4 wet snow, natural and artificial, changeable weather, wide range
  • S13-5 fresh falling wet snow, t 0 with transition to plus
  • S13-5-08 wet fine-grained fresh snow
  • S11-3 structure for artificial snow, t -10 -20
  • S12-7 artificial snow, t -2 -12
  • S11-2 cold dry natural snow, t -10 -20
  • S12-16 structure for high humidity and fresh snow, suitable for gloss, t 0 -10
  • S12-2-07 for fresh snow and soft tracks 0 -10
  • S12-3 fresh snow at t -2 -6
  • S13-6 sleet, rain

Indicators FA, HR, SVZ: what is it and how to find out through the ski barcode

This marking is not found on all skis, but only on those specially selected for a professional or by pre-order. That is, at the “special workshop” or “sports workshop,” as our skiers like to call it. We wrote more about the existence of a special or sports workshop in the article.

If you have skis in front of you without a sticker, then these indicators can be easily recognized. Place any QR code scanner on your smartphone, launch it and read the barcode on your skis. The program will display something like 2.7 – 98.3, if such information does not come out, then try reading another barcode. For example, we got 2.7 – 98.3, that is, the HR of the ski is 2.7, the exact FA is 98.3. Don’t be surprised that the sticker may say FA 98 or even 97. Skis are not produced in pairs; they are assembled into pairs only later and such discrepancies are within the margin of error.

Skis for the 2019-2020 season come with a sticker of this type. It already has a QR code for reading all the information about the skis: barcode number, full ski number with size, HR and FA.

After reading, you get a number like this, where

  • 9002972387616 – barcode number
  • 186/1865078755 – number stamped on skis
  • 2.2 – HR
  • 90 – FA

  • HR- gap in millimeters, which remains after pressing the ski with half the weight of the average skier. The load is applied to the ski 7 cm below the balance point. The remaining gap is HR. Simply put, this is the stiffness of the tips and tails of the ski. For example, if you take skis with the same FA, but different HR, a ski with a larger HR will press more evenly, and a ski with a smaller HR will press down more evenly at first, but it will be more difficult to press down. With a large HR - a larger arc, a more arched ski; with a smaller HR - a smaller arc, the block is closer to the ski in the rolling phase. A low last is especially important for inexperienced skiers. In classics it will make it easier to hold, and in skates it will improve stability at the box office.
  • SVZ– a characteristic showing how much the ski differs from the ideal ratio of HR and FA. The value is used in production to check quality and select pairs of skis. When choosing a pair of skis for yourself, the indicator does not matter.
  • F.A.(hardness index) is the amount kilogram, which must be applied 7 cm below the balance point, to compress the ski to a gap of 0.2 millimeters.

Why FA and not a specific weight? The FA index is a characteristic of the ski, not the athlete. Using this parameter, a specialist can select skis for a specific athlete. The same ski can suit a 70 kg professional skier and a 90 kg amateur skier. At the same time, both will be comfortable and the skis will work as they should. It’s more difficult to select with FA than by kilograms, but if you figure it out, the selection of skis will be of better quality.

Fischer FA ski stiffness chart.

Ls skate ifp is a model for winter sports lovers. With their help, people make their dreams of skiing and fitness classes come true. They help achieve high stability. Let's look at the basics of this sports equipment.

Manufacturers have created convenient designs for skating and classic skating. The company works to produce high quality products. The latest materials are used to create skis. Sports designs are popular among famous athletes in competitions between several countries.


This is a fairly new model. updated and suitable for active recreation and professional sports.


This model is different from other products from this company. To manufacture sports equipment, the manufacturer uses the latest materials and technologies. The Fisher company monitors the company's good name in the ski market because it values ​​its reputation. Model features:

  1. Wood Core Air Channel. Equipped with an air channel system. This is an important characteristic, since air channels in the structure reduce the weight of the athlete and increase the strength of the structure.
  2. Reinforced Power Edge ropes. Gives good torsional rigidity. Ropes extend the life of sports equipment. This is a new technology that distributes the load evenly throughout the ski.
  3. Sintek sliding surface. Speed ​​Grinding lubricant is applied to the surface of sports equipment. It is universal for any weather; its properties are not lost in sticky snow or severe frosts.
  4. IFP platform. Before installing this platform, the company produced with the NIS platform. It is secured with two metal pins. The company invented new Turnamic mounts for this platform.


The technologies used during the production of sports equipment allow for better skiing. The platform, ropes, sliding surface and core are all advantages of sports structures.

These skis cope with the task in icy, hard trail conditions. With constant changes in weather, warming or increasing frost levels, skis can be used without noticeable discomfort. The company offers a selection of different models, among them you can find models suitable for any conditions.

How to choose the size?

The right size is a guarantee of successful skiing. Trainers and sellers will help you determine the size. First, the skiing style in which the skier will take part is selected:

  1. When skiing on prepared slopes, structures are selected for the athlete with the following calculation: the height of the skier minus 15-20 cm.
  2. If skating takes place in the mountains, then the size should be: the height of the skating participant minus 5-15 cm.
  3. If you plan to go at a high speed and there is loose snow on the track, the size is larger.
  4. When choosing universal sports equipment, an athlete should subtract 10 cm from his height.
  5. If sports (expert) skating takes place, 15 cm should be subtracted from the athlete’s height.

It is also important to consider your own riding style and characteristics:

  • high-speed - add 2-3 cm to the recommended value;
  • maneuverable - subtract 2-3 cm;
  • weight exceeds the average for your height - add 2-3 cm;
  • low weight - subtract 2-3 cm.

Let's calculate the recommended size for a skier with a height of 175 cm and a weight of 90 kg. For example, you are a confident athlete who rides in the mountains. You give preference to speed skating. Designs for mountain skiing are recommended, taking into account individual parameters: 175-10+(2-3) = 169-171 cm. This is a conditional value; a size of 168-173 cm is suitable for such athletes.

Brand line

This company provides several models to choose from, designed for different types of riding.

Fischer Ls Skate Xtra Stiff

This is sports equipment designed for active sports enthusiasts. The skis feature an Air Tec core and a racing profile. The sliding surface is suitable for different conditions. It went on sale in 2017.

Wooden equipment allows you to skate, in the classic version of the sport. The new Skate model is equipped with an innovation - the IFP platform.


This is an amateur inexpensive model. It is characterized as very stable on snow and has high speed performance. Used for fitness and active recreation. The skier confidently glides on the snow and maneuvers.

In 2017, manufacturers changed the design of the structure and added new devices. They have a new core, profile, rope reinforcement, and sports plastic. They can be used in case of any temperature changes, sticky snow, or when the condition of the track deteriorates. The model is often used by beginner athletes who have not yet perfected their skating technique.


This model is made for skiers who use the skating method. They are small and tough. The lightweight design is achieved with an integrated Air Tec Basalight core. Actively used in any weather, suitable for amateurs and professionals. Weighs up to 1380 g.

The Fischer company produces skis for amateur and professional skiing. The manufacturer is actively introducing new technologies into product models, improving existing advantages. When, it is important to focus on their purpose and the individual characteristics of the athlete. Maneuverability, speed and stability depend on the size of structures. It is important to choose the appropriate model and its size in order to achieve record results in sports.

Cross-country skating skis FISCHER LS SKATE IFP 17 are an amateur-level model, designed for fitness and skiing, have high stability and good speed performance. The design of this model uses a wooden core Air Channel with a system of air channels in its structure, which reduces the weight of the skis and gives them high strength. Reinforced edges Power Edge provide excellent torsional rigidity of the ski and its durability. This technology promotes optimal distribution of pushing force and makes the wear of the ointment more uniform over its entire length. This model uses a sliding surface Sintec, onto which a universal structure is applied Speed ​​Grinding, creating excellent gliding in various weather conditions. In its models from the 2017/18 season, the company abandoned the installation of the NIS platform and now Fischer skis come with a new, integrated platform IFP, which is the company's own development. Ski bindings are being produced for a new type of platform Turnamic. Geometry 41-44-44. Weight 1.410 grams/187 cm.

Dimensions and Weight per package:

Dimensions (L x W x H):~ 50 x 1850 x 50 mm.
Weight:~ 1.54 kg.

  • Suitable for active people;
  • Used in all climatic conditions;
  • Amazing handling and ride stiffness.

How to choose the right ski size

The choice depends on the weight and height of the person and the style of movement. The use of additional components made it possible to reduce the size. For the standard style, it should exceed the athlete by about 25 centimeters. For walking - 20 centimeters. The ridge style provides dimensions 10 centimeters higher.

These recommendations have a number of exceptions due to the weight of the skier, as well as the stability of the Fisher Combi model. The heavier the person, the stronger they will be required. The length of the running poles also corresponds to the height of the person and the parameters of the hands.

Information with parameters:

Fischer LS Combi skis for the inexperienced

They are positioned by the developer in the form of a dual template, used for both skating and standard styles. The Speed ​​Grinding concept allows you to move at different temperatures. A rod with an air channel and a reinforced edging will allow the equipment to last as long as possible.

Athletes believe that the model is more useful for skating, since it takes much longer to prepare for the classics. When skating, they hold up well even on compacted snow and low ice build-ups, allowing a person to push off powerfully. Turns, climbs and jumps require skill, but even in such situations they do not create difficulties.

Before each trip, it is necessary to treat skis with slip wax, even if they were recently purchased. With proper use, it is difficult to get scratches and chips. Therefore, the model is suitable for beginners. Comfortable riding with different styles will be ensured.

Fischer brand products

The manufacturer also has other interesting products for those who like to drive fast in the snow. Combining them together can give you an advantage. These include:

  • Comfortable shoes Fischer XC Sport Silver;
  • Fischer Auto T3 running bindings;
  • Fischer Entry Lot Running Bindings;
  • Fischer XC Auto T3 running bindings.
  • Rossignol X1 Ultra JR 31.

It is also worth purchasing treadmills from this series in the market.

The Fisher company improves its reputation and becomes a world leader. Started in 1924, it made carts and sleds, but now specializes in creating equipment for hockey, mountaineering and... Most of the production facilities are located in Ried (Austria). There are also 6 additional subsidiary factories in different European cities, one of which is located near the ski resort in Transcarpathia.

All manufactured products are characterized by unique advanced technologies. High quality, elaboration of the smallest elements and manufacturability - this is what distinguishes the products of the Fisher organization. Focusing on the preferences of the target audience begins from the moment of development.

At the end of 2011, the company developed and patented a special technology, with the help of which the fitting of shoes to the foot became as precise as possible. The organization has existed for almost 100 years and never stops working for a minute.

Participants in the Olympic Games also use the products. They win prizes and awards, once again confirming the advantage of the Fisher equipment. The company's representative office has been operating in the CIS countries and Russia for more than 20 years.